Beach Body Pre Day One part 2

So quickly, I didn't start today.  I think I'm avoiding the workout, I'm pretty afraid of the pain from the workout not the workout itself.  I also am not quite sure where to start.

My coach wants me to measure myself and take a picture of myself.  Definitely, putting that off...I don't want to know.  She calls it my goodbye photo, I'm trying to wrap my head around that idea but I've been here so many times before I'm having a hard time believing it truly is a good bye photo.  How can it be a good bye photo when I have so many good bye photos, they're more like hello photos.

Today I did learn something important about myself.  I THRIVE on competition.  I'm in a step competition with a coworker and thus far I've won everyday.  Tonight there was a chance she would beat me and next thing I know I'm on my treadmill, listening to "I Need a Hero," and running my ass off.  Being that I weigh 250 pounds, this is not an easy feat.  But I would say one/two minutes into the run I realized that I really like running.  What doesn't like running is my knees and back because although the run was exhilarating, the pain after was not.  Even with that in mind, I kinda want to do it again tomorrow.

Tomorrow my goal is to get that good bye photo done and measure myself.
